Thursday, June 23, 2011

the classics... redone

So, I am obsessed with the food network. Everyday during my daily nap (it is excusable I leave for work when the sun is coming up) I leave it on. Well today one chef was making a chocolate cake with a chocolate buttercream frosting, this cake looked amazing. I was inspired to make a chocolate cupcake with a chocolate frosting... however I found out my cupboard was out of cocoa powder. (Luke, I blame you and you're hot chocolate's =)) So I decided to make a vanilla cupcake with a hot chocolate/expresso whipped frosting.

The vanilla cake was really good... despite my slight mishap with the butter and just a tad bit too long in the oven =/. But still tasty for another first attempt at my own batter, and making the recipe to bake only 4 cupcakes (so i am not tempted to overeat).

The icing... I mean who needs a cake when you have frosting? This stuff was amazingly good. After my three cakes were iced i sat and ate the leftovers from the bowl. I found some instant coffee and some hot chocolate mix in my cabinet and volia... cocoa powder and expresso for the 20 somethings... Fishing out the mini marshmallows from the package wasn't fun, but the outcome was great. I will make this again, and I may frost some cupcakes with it... If I don't eat it all before then.


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